Thursday, May 3, 2007

Target Obama?

According to CNN Presidential candidate Barack Obama has been put under secret service protection. The Obama Campaign says that there was no credible, specific threat, but that greater security was necessary given his increased campaign schedule. However the Washington Post's coverage on the same story mentions "some racist chatter on white supremacist Web sites" as a possible motive for the increased protection.

This brings up an interesting issue for Obama, is this campaign survivable? Obviously some portion of the American electorate is not ready for a Black president like Obama. The question is, does that portion contain elements that would seek to end his candidacy with a bullet? It is really a test of our nation, can a serious black presidential candidate get through a campaign? Previous black candidates have received credible death threats, however, they were never considered serious contenders for the nomination. Obama's popularity sets him alone in history. He has a serious chance at the White House, but the question is, does that popularity bring with it attention from rednecks and racists who don't have any qualms about using violence to enforce their political beliefs? I would like to think America is past that.

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