Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Largest Deficit in US History -- Without Adding War Costs

Some great highlights from an AP story on MSNBC regarding the amassing crisis of the deficit.

"The next president will inherit a record budget deficit of $482 billion, according to a new Bush administration estimate released Monday."

"But the numbers could go even higher if the economy performs worse than the White House predicts."

"The administration actually underestimates the deficit, however, since it leaves out about $80 billion in war costs. In a break from tradition — and in violation of new mandates from Congress — the White House did not include its full estimate of war costs."

Just to be clear, your government spent much more money than it took in, fudged the numbers so it wouldn't look as bad and despite the deception the budget was still the worst in history.

Reminds me of these charming graphs, be sure to remember this the next time someone tries perpetuate the myth of republican economic conservatism.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Obama Going to Iraq

An MSNBC Story contains this snippet about Obama's plans,

"Under heavy pressure from McCain, who criticized his failure to visit Iraq since 2006, Obama plans to travel to Iraq and Afghanistan. The dates have not been announced for security reasons but the trip is expected within the next month."

I'm glad he's going to Iraq to see the conditions on the ground, but I am more than a little worried about his safety. The Illinois Senator is the spearhead of a political movement sure to change the status quo. As such, he has no shortage of enemies. With perhaps 126,000 mercenaries in Iraq, I can imagine a few bad apples capable of such a deed. There is consolation in the fact that he will undoubtedly be under the protection of the US Army the greatest fighting force in the history of the world.

Let's hope these fears are unfounded.