George Tenet, CIA director during the buildup to and subsequent invasion of Iraq, released a book criticizing the Bush administration. The claim that is getting the most coverage has to do with the assumption of WMD in Iraq. In his book Tenet claims,
"There was never a debate about whether the threat was imminent from Iraq. There wasn't a debate about other options besides invasion."
Oh my!
I can’t believe it!
Listen people, I hate to break it to you, but this isn’t news. It is a FACT that this administration lied us into war. Of course they didn’t debate it; they planned it from the start. 9-11 was a justification to exert U.S. power, and ensure American oil interests. But they had to build the case for the war, and that case was not based on reality. George Tenet's claim is just another piece of evidence pointing toward the tragic truth, we were willfully lied into war.
A short list of evidence:
-Niger Claims (and ensuing outing of CIA agent to discredit detractor)
Use of known false intelligence to scare public into Iraq War. Bush claimed in his 2003 state of the union, that Saddam had sought uranium “yellowcake” from Niger. Which never happened.
-Bush-Blair Memo
Memo of a meeting 2 months before invasion, indicating that US was set to invade and UK was firmly behind them. In it Bush replies to a concern poised by Tony Blair. Blair is worried Saddam may cement ethnic conflict on his way out of power. Bush “thought it unlikely that there would be internecine warfare between the different religious and ethnic groups”. WHOOPS!
-Downing Street Memo
Leaked minutes of a meeting with Tony Blair.
“C reported on his recent talks in Washington. There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.”
-Office of Special Plans
This was Donald Rumsfeld’s intelligence factory at the CIA. The OSP created the “fixed” pre-war intelligence that lead America to war with Iraq.
The Gaurdian Says
“The ideologically driven network functioned like a shadow government, much of it off the official payroll and beyond congressional oversight. But it proved powerful enough to prevail in a struggle with the State Department and the CIA by establishing a justification for war.”
-Al-Qaeda and Saddam Link
None Found
-Weapons of Mass Destruction
None Found
At this point, discounting a purposeful plan of deception to sell the war is utterly ludicrous. It is on par with discounting evolution, or global warming. Get used to it, we can’t trust our politicians.
1 comment:
The pivotal import of Yellowcake, False Flags, & "Big Time" Evil
Hello YSK and all,
The combination of George Tenet's book, At the Center of the Storm, Eisner & Royce's The Italian Letter and the books and research of many others in recent years now provides enough of a foundation for everyone to finally discern that 9:11 was a "false flag" operation against both the American public and the Muslim world. Likewise, the uncanny synchronicity of Al Qaeda's videos and other activities perfectly timed to reinforce and support the Bush/Cheney administration's political needs coupled with the actions of the Bush admin actually serving to strengthen Al Qaeda's position, now makes perfect sense. The apparent mistakes and chaos that have characterized the Iraq war, the easily prevented resurgence of the Taliban, and permitting Bin Laden to escape Tora Bora to a safe haven in Pakistan all fit the same pattern. It's hard to maintain a state of continuous war if you allow your made-to-order enemies to be defeated too early. It is likewise hard to remain a "war president" if your wars end too soon!
The letterhead used to forge the "Yellowcake letter" that was then used to help "sell" the Iraq war was stolen in Rome on 1/1/2001, more than nine months before 9:11 and before Little W. became president. Consequently, the use of the "Yellow-Cake Lie" was obviously discussed and planned before then! The import of this fact is that the Niger embassy in Rome was burglarized, before Bush became president, to lay the groundwork for the web of deception used to sell the Iraq War, after 9:11. More importantly, it is highly unlikely that the Iraq war could ever have been sold to the American public, without something like 9:11 happening first. Any excuses of other uses for the stolen letterhead are laughable since the letterhead burglary would have been pointless, without 9:11. This evidences foreknowledge of those attacks, a full nine months before they occurred, among other things!
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