Sunday, June 3, 2007
Update: Greg Palast Responds to Criticism
Greg Palast has already responded, it seems I've been under a rock. He basically argues that all anyone can do with all the raw data is fact check it to death and do exactly what he and the BBC is doing. He's not a rouge blogger with no credentials, he's an investigative reporter with the best news agency in the world. He goes on to say that large portions of the evidence and investigative work are laid out in his book and none of that was disputed because none of it was considered. For now I'm placing my trust in Greg Palast. If he's over selling himself, it's a bold gambit.
Controversy Over Palast Claims
the community over at Daily Kos is having a heated debate regarding the validity of Greg Palast's claims. Some people, perhaps more rational than me, have argued for a bit of scepticism since Greg Palast has only produced dozens of the "500 e-mails" and only 1800 of the "tens of thousands" of names on "Caging Lists". I don't think this is meant to downplay the seriousness of this accusation, its merely meant to demand evidence before judgement, a worthy sentiment.
LA Mayor Supports Clinton
This news means we should get used to Villaraigosa, The Guardian story points out that he is a popular Latino politician in a state with an increasingly Latino electorate. Combine that with his intimate relationship with party elites and state or national office seems to be in his future.
Why “Vote Caging” Should Have You Rioting in the Streets
3 million votes were challenged AFTER they were cast in the 2004 election, and it turns out that many of them may be from a GOP tactic called “Vote Caging”, here’s how it works. Bare with me, this is a thick and tangled web of scandal.
When ex-Alberto Gonzales aide Monica Goodling testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee she mentioned the term “Vote Caging” several times, in reference to Karl Rove’s protégé Tim Griffin (more on him later). The term was unfamiliar to many and it prompted Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., to ask Goodling, to explain the term. Goodling fumbled and muttered something about it being a “direct mail” term.
Monica was right; Vote Caging does use direct mail. But she left out the most important aspect of vote caging; it’s used to suppress votes.
This is how it works;
Step One: Send registered, first class mail to black people. Mark the letter “do not forward” so if they happen to be fighting in
Step Two: Every letter that comes back “undeliverable” can then be challenged as being fraudulent. Voters are purged from the rosters, and the ones that demand their right to vote cast provisional ballots, which are less likely to be counted anyway.
Step Three: Repeat in every tight race in the country.
It’s a complicated GOP tactic that’s been used since the 80’s to win races with slight margins of victories.
You might remember that Tim Griffin was installed as a U.S. Attorney for
If that’s the case then why did Tim Griffin resign? Because it seems like he’s worried that a contentious confirmation hearing might draw attention to the fact that the GOP has been subverting democracy.
This story was cracked open by BBC reporter Greg Palast. He’s an American but has to travel across the
I suggest watching the whole series, its long, but FUCK, your country is being stolen.
These articles are the base of this story.
Here is one on Greg Palast’s site
Here is another on Think Progress
Friday, June 1, 2007
Fred Thompson Running
He's begun campaigning, sort of... In a video response to Micheal Moore's new film sicko, Fred Thompson tells the film maker to seek help at a mental institution, all while holding a large, ridiculous Cuban cigar. Check it out
But what do we know about Fred Thompson? For instance, why did he quit the senate, the most powerful law making body in the world, for Law and Order? Pay too low? Not a taste for Government? what is it that made him quit that job, but go for this one?
NPR ran a story that saying he "[...] isn't keen to do the hard work of getting elected." If that's the case it might explain his step out of congress, and the slow start his presidential campaign.
Either way he enters a crowded field, and will have to fight the rest of the Republican candidates for political talent and donations. But more importantly, he's the only staunch conservative and the one most likely to carry on the ideological legacy of George W. Bush. Personally, I think this is an asset in the primaries, and POISON in the general. While Republican rank and file might be clamoring for another Reagan, America wants change, and their thirst will be quenched.
Bush Starts New Russian Arms Race
Current President of
I don’t know what is more ridiculous, the fact that we spent any money trying to deter a nuclear attack with a “shield” or that Russia thinks it can keep up with us in an arms race.
Here is a picture of Check Point Charlie
It was a flash point inthe Cold War, American and Russian forces actually faced off here
Capitalism 1, Communism 0